This is a digitally created movie poster for the film "Quantum Horizon." The background features a deep, dark space with a swirling, cosmic nebula in shades of blue and purple, creating a sense of vastness and mystery. At the center of the nebula, a silhouetted astronaut in a classic white space suit with a helmet is floating, giving a sense of weightlessness and isolation. The astronaut's position is dynamic, with one arm extended, suggesting movement or action.The title "QUANTUM HORIZON" is prominently displayed at the top in bold, futuristic font, with the subtitle "BEYOND THE EDGE OF REALITY LIES OUR LAST HOPE" in smaller, white text beneath it. The names of the director, Hayneen-Eneron Lab-Itics, and the producer, Iris Elax, are listed in red text at the top.The bottom of the poster features a white text box with the words "COMING SOON" in bold, with the cast and crew listed below in smaller text. The names include Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, and others. The "MAX" logo is prominently displayed on the left side, indicating a partnership with the movie theater chain. The overall style is futuristic and sci <lora:qihuan222 (1): <lora:qihuan222 (2):0.8> <lora:qihuan222 (3):0.8> <lora:qihuan222 (4):0.8> <lora:qihuan222 (5):0.8>